Monkey Wisdom

In my search to reach Optimal Discomfort (thank you for that, Joanne, it sums it up perfectly!) during my career transition, I enrolled in Brandman University’s “Advanced Career Strategies” which meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week and next; it only cost $25 and a commitment of my time and effort. Hats off to the Career Center (again) for putting this on my radar; I feel invigorated from attending just one class so far!

The insanity of doing the same things over and over, but expecting different results is something to fight against. We are all susceptible to seeking comfort over challenge but I would like to humbly suggest a different approach to a career/job change…be a creative problem-solver: because if a monkey can figure things out, we humans can rise to our challenges with our gifts of spoken language and opposable thumbs.

One of the homework assignments in my class this week has to do with qualifying and quantifying my dream job/career; I believe that I will have a much better chance by being proactive and having a clear vision. So although I must admit that I never once thought of opening a banana from the bottom (umm, let me go out on a limb here and say I am not alone in this), I am working hard to open my eyes and mind to the vast array of ideas and resources available, some a little to no cost, that can help dramatically shorten this career transition. I challenge all you job seekers and career changers to do the same and let us know about your success.

“Live out of your imagination, not your history.” – Steven Covey

Posted by Patty

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